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About Bel Air Maintenance in South Florida

As a staple of South Florida’s property maintenance services, Bel Air Maintenance (BAM) has provided multiple cities and property management companies with large-scale commercial pressure cleaning. We currently hold pressure cleaning contracts with numerous cities, including Cooper City, the town of Miami Lakes, and the city of Weston. In addition to our ongoing contract with these cities, we also have agreements with some of the largest property management companies in Broward County. We pressure clean about 75 subdivisions, properties, and communities on average for these companies every year. Commercial clients aren’t the only ones who can benefit from our 19 years of expertise. We also provide residential pressure cleaning to homeowners throughout South Florida, so they can keep their homes as pristine and beautiful as the commercial properties we service.

Beautiful colorful garden near the building

Our Collection of Services

Our business has had enormous success with commercial and residential pressure cleaning throughout South Florida. We’ve put our amassed knowledge and skills into every job, and we couple that with attention to detail and courteous, professional service to the customer. Other services we offer to our service area include janitorial service for businesses and organizations and tree watering. Your property’s sizable plant life needs care and attention, just like the other exterior features. During drought periods, dependable water supply is vital to their survival. Our janitorial services ensure your building’s interior stays as clean and put together as the exterior with trash removal, window and floor cleaning, carpet care, and much more. With Bel Air Maintenance, you can have a flawless property inside and out.

Fair Pricing for Commercial & Residential Clients

Our commitment to your complete satisfaction includes keeping our prices transparent to allow you to understand your investment. While every service we perform must achieve our high standards to exceed your expectations, we want our competitive cost to convince you to finance your property’s care, as well. To honor this, we give you a free estimate when you contact us about any of our services. For stellar maintenance services throughout South Florida, Bel Air Maintenance has the experience and integrity to ensure that your property maintains its top condition all year. Give us a call today for your free estimate. We’ll give you the professional service that you deserve.

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